Frequently asked questions

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General questions:

Discover the basics of WordPress themes, including their importance for creating a unique web presence, compatibility with the latest WordPress version, usage of demo content, and assistance for theme installation.

Yes. In an effort to reduce friction in the adoption of the platform, we offer free 3D models for your products on select plans. Please contact us to learn if you are eligible.

To integrate with your ecommerce project on the platform, the plugin does this very easy. It also enables 3D/AR viewer on your wordpress site.

They should be. If not, we offer free service to help resolve any issues.

We have apps and plugins available for Shopify and Woocommerce. But we also support any web based platform using our inline embedded viewer. Contact us for custom support.

We can help you integrate the viewer with your platform. It is as simple as dropping a JavaScript file in the head section

Yes. We provide free 3D online store. Simply upload your model and generate a URL. Once done, you can share that URL with your customers to showcase and sell your products.

We provide free integration support with select plans. Please contact us.

We use domain checks and API security checks to ensure that the models are rendered only on your website. You have full ownership of your models. We do not own them.

Certainly. We aim to be one stop solution for all your 3D requirements. Please share your needs with us.

What makes us unique is the our commitment to provide best customer support. Along with that, we offer the same services at a much affordable cost to help you get started with your journey of AR ecommerce.

Please use our contact us form. Provide as much information as possible.

Support & updates:

Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

Lifetime. As long as your plan is active, we provide full support and updates.

We provide support for your platform integrations and 3D models. Along with that any kind of glitches you may encounter with your theme or our viewer customization

You can initiate a chat with us and use our contact-us form. For Enterprise plan users, we have a dedicated account manager that you can reach out to anytime.

Our releases are usually quarterly. Bug fixes are immediate

Please reach out to us and we will help you in whatever way possible.